Sunday, June 15, 2008

Skylar's in Japan

For those who may not know, Skylar has gone on a mission trip to Japan. I am so proud of her. They get to write something out to be posted on a blog nearly every day. Of course, every day is not often enough for her mama. Nope. Not at all. But it's what I have to deal with.

This has been an exercise in turnin' stuff over to God. I am actually not as nervous as I thought I would be. Not lying awake at night wondering if she's still alive. I'm sleeping about as well as normal (which really isn't very well with out medicinal aid). I'm going to be thrilled to see her again, of course, but while she's gone, I can't control anything that happens to her, so I just pray.

Yep. Lotsa little prayers in my head like, "Keep her safe, Lord," and "Help her be a light for you, Lord." It's all I've got.

Here's her first post, copied and pasted from the team's blog:

Hey ya’ll! The team made it in safely last night and we jumped right in with prayer walking. A little gir last night told me “good evening” with a huge smile; she was so proud! B., T.J, Nate, and Honey Bunches: I love you and will be home soon!

If you think about it, send up some for her, OK? This Mama thanks you.

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