Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I can do that?

So, the three of you who actually read my blog may be wondering what is up with the sudden frequent posting. I'll explain!

I just learned a little secret about scheduled posting. I don't have to immediately post. I can set it up to post AT A LATER TIME! So what does this mean? This means that whenever I think of something I want to tell y'all about, I can! If I have 2 items in a day, but I think I might overwhelm you, I can set it to go out the next day. This way I don't have to force myself to figure out something to say every single day! It's so exciting. I feel so free! You can expect to see more from me now that I've finally figured this out. I'm probably the last to know. I'm always so behind.

We now return to our regularly scheduled blog.

1 comment:

karen said...

i WAS wondering! :)