I'm actually thinking about voting for Obama (don't get so excited, Jill).
I just can't figure out WHY I would do such a thing. It's obviously out of character. I'm SUCH a Republican. I am praying about it and researching and praying some more. There are things I really disagree with him about, but other things...hmmm...could he be right? He is a dirty DEMOCRAT after all.
I'm not thrilled with McCain and he seems to be shaping up to be the Republican candidate. I don't know. I am in a quandary.
Could it be I only want to vote for Obama because I'd rather the country be ruined by a Democrat than a Republican?? I just don't know.
Maybe I just like him.
Please don't tell my mother.
Monday, February 11, 2008
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my mother has a theory on voting for president: most often we vote for the lesser of two evils. very rarely do we get the chance to vote for the best of two goods. and i understand your quandary... i find myself secretly cheering for obama as he one-ups hillary time and time again (despite my intense despising of moveon.org and the like, and in spite of my personal attraction to all things Huckabee). Sigh... what to do... i feel your pain!
Could I please get a teensy weensy bit excited? :) Please?
(btw...I need to figure out how to change my name on here. My Google name has been corrected from Amelie's shenanigans on my gmail acct, but for some reason my blogger/Google name still shows up goofy.)
I found it humorous that as I read this I saw a google ad at the bottom of the page that says Hillary For President! But really, although McCain isn't what I hoped for in a Presidential candidate, Obama is very liberal (although I know he is also very likeable), and that's scares the tar out of me. I do also love the way he is creaming Hillary though!
-Michelle (Blessed)
Here is what the National Right to Life rep said when endorsing McCain,
"Senator John McCain has a solid voting record against abortion, and has cast 31 pro-life votes since 1997," Cross says. "He voted against endorsing Roe v. Wade, and believes it should be overturned."
I may not like everything about McCain, but this isn't about who makes me "feel" better. It's about who will most represent me based on their past behavior. That will be McCain. He's not my perfect choice, but my concious would not allow me to vote for Obama and I don't even consider the other person because she has cried publically when talking about her fear that Roe vs. Wade will be overturned among other issues I have with her. So I urge you to take the time to think about what issues are important to you and then ask yourself if Obama is going to represent those or can McCain.
Do you think it's something about the name "Jill" LOL!
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