Sunday, February 17, 2008

Before picture, again.

Here I am at 26 pounds gone. Do I look different? I don't see it so much.


Jill said...

I can see a difference.
I have to ask, though, were you actually OUTSIDE in that last picture? It's FREEZING!

(I keep forgetting to change my crazy name until I'm trying to comment on your blog. I think that, instead, I'll just be annoying by including a note whenever I comment that I'll be changing my name soon. How's that?
On some blogger blogs it leaves an option to sign in under a different name, so I've been able to get around the Amelie-inspired name, but yours doesn't have that.)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, just give up trying to stir up trouble on forums. Do you not have any other important aspects of life to spend time on? What is even more disturbing is that you actually talk about faith and God as if you are not engaging in useless and wicked gossip...not very telling of a Christian person.
Please get a life.