Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My friend, Karen, told me I should blog every day even if I have nothing to say. I guess today is going to be one of *those* days because I really have nothing! Here are some random thoughts:

I have a massive headache today. I'm talking hangover-sized headache. I cannot get rid of the darn thing. I have taken everything I know to take and it refuses to let go of my head. The last 2 days I was plagued with a terrible bout of vertigo. I get this occasionally, having Meniere's disease, and it just makes me want to crawl into bed until it's over. But then, if I do get to crawl into bed, I just feel like I'm going to fall out. Little hard to relax. I'm thinking today's headache is a leftover of the vertigo. My eyes still aren't right. *insert raspberry here*

Have I told you about my new friends? They are HURRIED, ATM2GRW and "The Silver Bullet". These are cars I see every morning on my trek back from taking Briar and Tanner to school. The first 2 are vanity plates and the last is just a Silver Rendevouz that I have nicknamed in my head. If I'm one minute late or early, I miss them. I wonder if they notice me like I notice them? I have a vanity plate, too, so I'm fairly recognizable. I used to see 1GLORIA, but not so much any more. I wonder if it moved? Oh, and then there's the FOX truck. I get the joy of following him home both before AND after school. He goes about 20mph on a street with no passing. I ALWAYS dread being behind him, but I'm sure, on more than one occasion, that he's saved my butt from a speeding ticket. I shouldn't complain.

It has been raining here all stinkin' day long. (Maybe that's why I have a headache?) It's supposed to turn into snow later this evening. 3-6 inches they're predicting. I hope not. First, I am SO ready for warmer weather and yesterday, with it's balmy 70 degrees really had me hoping; and secondly I DON'T WANT A SNOW DAY! I cannot emphasize that enough. I do not want to have to figure out what to do with 4 kids (Skylar is pretty good at entertaining herself by "reading" in her bed all day).

Here's the song that's been going through my head for the last week or so. Ever have a song that you can't get out of your head but you don't want it out? That's this song for me. I'm sure if I put in the CD and listened to it, oh, 1000 times I'd get it out of my system. I just love this song. It totally speaks to me.

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